New Compliance Checks for Accredited Employers

21 Apr, 2023

Get ready for the new MBIE random Compliance Checks for Kiwi Employers!

As you know, accredited employers must meet certain obligations in order to retain their Immigration New Zealand accreditation status and be able to employ skilled international workers.

In our previous webinar, we explained that all New Zealand employers who applied for their first accreditation before 4 July 2023, will receive an automatic 12-month extension (Missed the last webinar? Register for updates here so you catch the new one!).

This is a relief for many employers as it means that renewals are now not required for another 12 months. However, a new government announcement on Friday has confirmed random government compliance checks that employers do need to be prepared for.

What are the new Random Compliance Checks?

Immigration New Zealand has now announced that the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) will be starting verification activities to assess whether an employer is compliant with the INZ Accreditation requirements.

Any accredited employer may be selected for this process and compliance checks may include site visits.